smd power choke
SMD power chokes are important components in the high-tech products of more than a decade ago. They are used to manage and filter exploitative electrical currents, among other things. As opposed to many traditional electronic components, SMD power chokes are considerably small. Its main functions include: suppressing noise in power supply lines so that sensitive analog signals could be received by the AD converter without interference from other circuits; providing filtering capacity for high frequency signals fed into digital buses which cause unwanted switching transients in logic circuits; but primarily those involved with clock pulses. At the same time, SMD power chokes are exquisitely pricier than discrete devices. Among its many features, this new type of miniaturized power choke has high saturation current which leads to low resistance and large inductance values for efficient energy use. The: SMD power chokes are available in various shapes and sizes, fit for use in all kinds of circuits from consumer electronics to automotive and industrial applications where reliable power management is an absolute necessity.